T O P I C R E V I E W |
Martha1 |
Posted - 07/25/2007 : 22:32:38 Several years ago, I started noticing a small, shiny spot on the side of my nose, which eventually became light pink. I didn't pay much attention, and at first I thought it was an impression made by my glasses. Then I realized I had not been wearing glasses for quite a while, and decided it must be something else. If I had seen a dermatologist right away, it could probably have been treated very easily, but at the time I was scared and didn't know what the treatment for skin cancer might involve.
In a magazine, I read someone's account of healing a “lesion” with a combination of baking soda and castor oil mixed together (which has a reputation for healing minor skin blemishes). I made a paste of castor oil and baking soda, and started applying it to the spot. It quickly became larger (about the size of a dime) and dark red in color, and it HURT, pretty constantly. After about 3 days, it started leaking water, then pus, and finally blood. I kept applying more of the white paste, but when the bleeding increased and soaked through the paste, I got really scared. I had nobody to ask, and I didn't think I could go to a doctor with something like that. (I wish this website had existed then.)
At that point, I cleaned the area and applied castor oil only (with no baking soda). When I put the clean castor oil on, the pain stopped instantly. The bleeding also stopped and a scab formed. I kept using castor oil, and after several days the scab came off, leaving a small pink “crater,” about the same as the original lesion. The crater quickly filled in and became covered with a layer of flaky dry skin, similar to a sunburn when it is healing. Eventually, the pink color disappeared and the skin became soft again.
The spot didn't reappear for a few years. When it did, I tried the baking soda and castor oil paste again, but it became red and started bleeding more quickly than it did the first time. I didn't know how to handle that, so I stopped the treatment quickly, and the bleeding stopped but the spot didn't go away.
Some time later, I found Chickweed Healing Salve on the Internet and ordered some. When I applied it to the spot, it became more red and formed a few small openings which started to bleed, so I discontinued it. I used the salve for some other minor skin irritations and found it helpful, however.
That left me with a small pink spot that never went away and became a little larger. Sometime during the last few years, I noticed it got more red when I was traveling and/or eating out, i.e., when my diet included things I don't usually eat at home, like meat, starches, fried food, and desserts. After a day or so on such a diet, I would wake up in the morning with a tingling feeling in the pink spot, and when I got up and looked in the mirror there would be one or two small bloody-looking “pits.” (They weren't actively bleeding, but were red in the center and reacted to HP by fizzing.) Each time, when I returned home and got back on my diet for a few days, the spot looked “better,” and I kept thinking that if I got my diet under control for a while, it would all go away, but it never did. As the open “pits” became a more common occurrence, I started to get scared and didn't know what to do next.
As I mentioned in another post, I prayed about it. Then one morning when I booted up my computer, it occurred to me to do a Google search on “skin cancer.” (By this time, I was pretty much resigned to the fact that this is what I had, but was still scared of going to a doctor with it.) I quickly found the TopicalInfo website and decided to try taking pancreatin internally. I also ordered a package of Cymilium, but some of the warnings made me afraid to use it, since the area is rather near my eye.
I was not seeing much progress with the pancreatin alone, except that the “bloody pit” openings became less frequent and healed faster, but the spot didn't reduce in size. Also, I soon noticed that the tingly feeling returned whenever I had not taken any pancreatin for a couple of hours. I stepped up the amount of pancreatin, but was somewhat worried about the possible effects of taking too much. (I posted another message asking about this.)
A little over a week ago, I decided to make an appointment with a dermatologist who is highly recommended in this area. Now that I have the appointment (for September) and have a little over a month to play around with, I decided to go ahead and try Cymilium also. (I have already started another thread with questions about it.) Aside from the sting for about a minute, Cymilium doesn't hurt at all, as the baking soda treatment did. Yet, I can tell it is working because the spot becomes larger and darker after the Cymilium has been on for a while.
After having the Cymilium on overnight, the spot is usually a little bloody by the time I wake up. After arising early, I clean it off, swab with HP, and let it dry. It starts to scab over and the red area reduces somewhat. Then, before going out, I can use a cover-up makeup around the open area. When I return home, I clean the area again and put more Cymilium on and start the cycle again. This works for me, not only because it allows me to go out without being too conspicuous, but also because those few hours without Cymilium each day helps to keep the bleeding under control.
I have been using Cymilium 3X per day so far, but plan to reduce it to 2X soon. The Cymilium website says to use it 3X for 5 days, then 2X thereafter. Since I am leaving it off for a while each day, I'm not sure how many days I should continue with 3X per day. I think I will play it by ear and reduce the usage as soon as I start to see improvement.
That's where I'm at with it now. Over all these years, this is the only spot I have ever been really concerned about. I haven't seen the dermatologist yet, so I haven't actually had a diagnosis. By the time I do, I'm hoping some healing will have occurred, and if I still need surgery it will be less extensive. I will keep you all posted. If anyone has more advice for me, it will be most welcome. |
27 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Needasolutionnow |
Posted - 08/04/2013 : 05:02:39 Hi
I am having a pink spot in the left low side of my nose. The texture of the skin on the spot is totally different. It is a little inflamed only a little and it has been like that for many years. I have had that for so many years. After a week taking lot of dairy (probiotics)to cope with an infection I waked up today with some little spots same texture as the big one in the middle of my nose just at the tip of my nose.
Is dairy so bad? is dairy the reason of the big spot? Now that i am on it... should i try castor oil , H2O2, and apple cider vinegar?
Thanks I really need your advice. In general I feel my skin very greasy after taking lot of dairy... my period is schedule for the next couple of days.... |
Mexico |
Posted - 10/02/2007 : 15:34:00 Martha, I had a cryosurgery treatment on 2 large spots on my face on September 7th. After 6 or 7 days, a scab formed and fell out 3 days later. A new smaller scab formed and fell off rapidly. A very small third scab formed on the largest spot and disappeared too. Now almost 4 weeks later, it is barely noticeable - certainly much less than the spots were.
An congratulations! Good news! Not everyone finds such an easy solution. |
dan |
Posted - 09/26/2007 : 00:12:49 Sammy, that's also great news regarding you! |
dan |
Posted - 09/25/2007 : 01:30:29 Martha1, I had 8 or 9 weeks between the dermatologist appointments. And don't feel like you chickened out, your experience exactly as it turned out will be very helpful to others. |
Martha1 |
Posted - 09/24/2007 : 19:27:34 Sammy, yes, I'm feeling much better - one less thing to worry about. But as I said, I sort of wish I had seen it all the way through with Cymilium. I'm glad I didn't have to have Moh's surgery, but even the cryosurgery takes some time to heal. Can someone tell me how long does this usually take? It's been 4 days and the area is still very red, with some small blisters. It doesn't hurt, but requires some special care and a band-aid when I go out. The swelling is almost gone from my eyelid.
I'm aware that my condition has been so minor compared with the stories that some other people have posted here. I really sympathize with you all. |
sammy |
Posted - 09/24/2007 : 12:14:53 Martha, what wonderful news. I'm sure you feel so much better. These treatments DO work. So far, I have not had a flare up in 6 weeks. In fact I cancelled my appt. I had to drop some papers off at a Nurse Practioner and mentioned that I was going to see a Derm. I showed her the scar. She examined it and said, "For what?" "He can't help you with a scar". Go figure.
I did notice a scaly patch on my upper arm, so I ordered SusnSpot ES. And will start treating with that.
Also, thank you for all your support. |
Martha1 |
Posted - 09/24/2007 : 08:12:25 Dan and Rocco,
Again, thanks so much for your feedback and support. Dan, for how long did you use Cymilium between your dermatologist appointments? BTW, before the biopsy, my dermatologist said one possibility was that I had a superficial BCC.
As for the psychology of it, I sort of wish I hadn't “chickened out” by going to the dermatologist so soon. On the other hand, I guess it was good experience and it is a relief to know. I didn't mention this before, but I finally made the decision to see the derm because of pressure from my dentist during a routine visit. Before that, I was scared and yet in denial at the same time. Does that make sense?
Nobody seemed to notice the spot on my nose at all; at least they didn't mention it. During flare-ups I was keeping it pretty well covered up with make-up. I hadn't even shared my concern with my husband. He had noticed the spot but didn't give it much thought. I thought at first it could be healed if I just stuck to my diet. Then I thought it would be healed just by taking pancreatin, but that happen either. After the dentist visit, everything changed; I knew I had to take action. I told my husband about it, made the derm appointment, and also started using the Cymilium that I had already bought some time before. It's like my “secret disease” I had been holding on to was finally out in the open and I was willing to let go of it and accept healing from any source available. I don't know why I'm telling all this, but it may help someone else with similar issues.
As the time for my appointment got closer, and I could see healing from the Cymilium, I felt I had to go through with the appointment anyway. If I had canceled, I would have waited another 2 months or so for another appointment, and I wasn't sure if the healing would be complete. Since the lesion was still visible for biopsy, I was at least able to get a definite diagnosis - that is, unless I succeeded in healing it on the surface, but there's some remaining cancer cells below even the layers reached by the biopsy. Do you think that's possible?
Martha |
dan |
Posted - 09/24/2007 : 00:07:01 Martha, you have been awesome and we wish you the best. It is pretty cool the biopsy found no skin cancer after your topical treatments that you documented so well. I pretty much got the same reaction from my dermatologist regarding Cymilium after telling him about using it on a skin cancer. In my case another dermatologist had made a visual (but no biopsy) diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma and referred me to the other dermy because he has supposedly more open to alternative and topical skin cancer treatments. In between appointments I used the Cymilium. I'm convinced that Cymilium does work, and it can sometimes be a better alternative to surgery. |
rocco |
Posted - 09/23/2007 : 13:42:38 Martha,
Fantastic news for you!
I really believe that Cymilium does do the job as well. It has worked for me now on several spots. I have never tried it on an AK alone, but may have to just to see if it works.
Like you said, you may never know if yours was a BCC in the beginning and was largely healed by the time you got to the MD....but I would be willing to bet, based on the accounts you have given, that it must have been a BCC.
Best of luck to you in the future and I hope you never have the need to look for the cure again! |
Martha1 |
Posted - 09/22/2007 : 16:54:26 My Visit to the Dermatologist: My appointment with the dermatologist was on 9/20. It was my first visit with this, or any, dermatologist. I found him to be a very pleasant, friendly, and professional young man. My husband went in with me, and the doctor sat down for a little chat with us before doing his “thing.”
As he began to examine the spot on my nose, I told him it was actually looking much better than it had a couple of months ago when I made the appointment. He asked if I had been using anything on it, and I told him about Cymilium. (I feel it was mainly Cymilium that made a difference, and so I didn't mention orange oil.) He said he had never heard of it, so I showed him the cardboard wrapper and one of the little un-opened packets, which I had brought with me just in case. He looked them over without comment.
I also told him a brief history of the spot – how it used to flare up, especially when I ate badly, and how it occasionally bled and scabbed, but had not done so in the last 6 weeks. Then he quickly checked over my arms, legs, and back. I pointed out a few other questionable spots, and he told me the name of each and said that each of them was common and harmless.
Then he took a biopsy of the spot on my nose, and I waited in his waiting room for the results. The biopsy showed NO SKIN CANCER. He diagnosed the spot as an actinic keratosis, which he then “froze” using liquid nitrogen. It was all done in one office visit, and I left with just a band-aid (and home care instructions, of course). I'm due back for a follow-up visit in December.
The site of the biopsy is a small, round, dark red spot, as expected, and the “frozen” area around it is light red and almost a square inch in size, I would say. Above and to the side of it, the bridge of my nose, my right eyelid and cheek, are very swollen. In fact, yesterday and again today, my right eye was almost swollen shut when I got up. There's no pain, however, and it's just a little unpleasant. I'm glad I can get by without wearing glasses.
I am really glad to have this condition resolved, but I am still pondering the “what ifs.” What if I had not used Cymilium at all, before having this lesion examined? Would it have been (was it) skin cancer at that point? On the other hand, what if I had continued treatment with Cymilium for several weeks before having it examined? Would it have healed completely? I suspect the answer to both questions is “yes,” but we will never know.
I may not be posting any more to this forum, but will probably check in now and then. I'll miss you guys, and I wish you well. Thanks for all your support.
Martha |
Martha1 |
Posted - 09/22/2007 : 16:50:02 Update after week 9: During the last 2 weeks I continued treating the lesion on my nose with Cymilium and orange oil, using both for 4 days, then taking a break from both for 4 days. I began to use Cymilium more intensively, applying it 3 times per day (as I did at the beginning) and leaving it on as long as possible, even overnight.
I began to feel I was again getting more “action” from the Cymilium, i.e., a slight stinging shortly after applying it and sometimes later as well. When I blotted it off, there was a light pink “halo” around the lesion but the total area was smaller than it had been in the past. In the last on/off cycle, I used Cymilium for 5 days and left it off for 3, because I was scheduled to see the dermatologist on 9/20 and I wanted to make as much progress as possible and yet to allow the site return to its natural condition, without being artifically red or enlarged due to the Cymilium.
After the first day without Cymilium, the pink “halo” disappeared, leaving a bright pink lesion that was a smaller version of its old self. After two more days, the pink color had faded to a light tan, just a shade or two darker than my normal skin tone. It felt very dry, however, like it was about ready to peel, and was not soft and flexible like the surrounding skin. Still, it looked as good as it ever had within the past few years. |
Martha1 |
Posted - 09/05/2007 : 19:03:58 Update after week 7 (to continue my custom of weekly updates): I took a 3-day break from my topical treatments (Cymilium and orange oil) and used nothing except my usual natural cleanser and moisturizer during those days. After the 3rd day, the lesion was dry and very pale pink. A layer of dry skin was beginning to peel, and in fact I accidentally peeled it off in the shower, leaving the skin smooth and still pale pink. Yesterday I resumed using orange oil and then Cymilium. There was very little sting from either. I used Cymilium in the late afternoon and evening and left it on overnight. This morning, the pink area was slightly larger (as expected) but I don't think it was any deeper in color. I plan to take another few days' break next week and again before my dermatologist appointment. |
Martha1 |
Posted - 08/29/2007 : 22:57:41 This week's update: I have now been using topical treatments for 6 weeks, starting with Cymilium. Since my progress seemed slower, I took a break from Cymilium and orange oil for 3 days – Saturday, Sunday, and Monday – and used apple cider vinegar during those days, swabbing it on as often as I could. The only thing I felt from applying the vinegar was a cool, wet sensation.
Over the 3 days, the lesion area, which had recently been pale pink, soft, and smooth, became slightly brighter pink and rough to the touch, and it occasionally tingled or itched (between applications, not immediately after). By the third day, the top layer of skin was dry and peeling at the edges. Yesterday I stopped the vinegar and resumed using orange oil and then Cymilium. The dry peeling skin is gone. The area is soft (but still pink), as before. I wonder if this is what healing looks like???
I have also tried orange oil on some other suspicious spots on my body. I will write about that under the Orange Oil thread. |
Martha1 |
Posted - 08/23/2007 : 16:56:48 Rocco, that's really interesting. Actually, a few years ago, I started noticing a very dry, scaly condition on my upper back/shoulder area. It felt like a sunburn that was still healing, but it happened in the winter and it had been months or years since the last time I got that much sun. A health counselor advised me to get a good bit more Omega 3, relative to the Omega 6, which meant cutting back on olive oil and using more flax oil (which I am still doing). The condition gradually improved, and the area feels like normal skin now. That condition could have contributed to this lesion - I don't know.
There seemed to be more immediate changes in it when my diet became more rich (and probably more acid-producing). That was when I occasionally ate meat, starches, fried foods, desserts, rather than my normal diet of predominantly raw fruits and veggies. At those times, it would become more red and would occasionally break open and bleed slightly. About 3 days back on a strict diet usually cleared that up, but it never healed completely. |
rocco |
Posted - 08/23/2007 : 10:27:32 <<<Seeing it that way makes me feel as if I haven't accomplished anything. Of course, I realize that if I stopped using Cymilium now it would be much smaller, but I want to treat it until it's completely gone.>>>
For using the stuff for only 5 weeks sounds like you have made great progress. Remember, even Aldara is sometimes prescribed to be used for months of treatment. Cymilium is said to take from 2 - 22 weeks to be effective....well, guess what, I just passes the 22 week mark and the original spot I treated IS GONE. I am treating a couple of other spots that are nearby the original lesion...but the original on is officially declared gone. So don't give up. It does get slow at times but it sounds like you are doing some good things with the various products.
One other item I attribute partial success to is diet and supplement changes. Of all that I have changed the one item that I feel is extremely important is cutting back on omega-6 essential fatty acids and drastically increasing omega-3's. There are many reasons to make this change in diet, the list of health issues associated with omega-3 deficiency is long, but here is one paper directly related to the issue that we are all on this forum for...
""Epidemiological and animal-based investigations have indicated that the development of skin cancer is in part associated with poor dietary practices. Lipid content and subsequently the derived fatty acid composition of the diet are believed to play a major role in the development of tumorigenesis. Omega 3 (3) fatty acids, including docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), can effectively reduce the risk of skin cancer whereas omega 6 (6) fatty acids such as arachidonic acid (AA) reportedly promote risk. ""
http://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/full/98/13/7510 |
Martha1 |
Posted - 08/22/2007 : 18:23:57 Update after 5th week using Cymilium: As I mentioned before, progress seemed to be slowing down. Therefore, I added orange oil to my regimen during the past week. (For more details, see what I wrote under the topic “Has anyone tried orange oil ...”) The lesion is still pink, but is relatively soft and smooth with no bleeding or breaks in the skin. As I mentioned before, at bedtime when I remove the Cymilium after it has been on for for several hours, the lesion is larger but lighter in color. The next morning, it is a little smaller but brighter in color. At that point, it looks about the way it looked before I started treating it (at those times when there was no bleeding or scabs). Seeing it that way makes me feel as if I haven't accomplished anything. Of course, I realize that if I stopped using Cymilium now it would be much smaller, but I want to treat it until it's completely gone. |
Martha1 |
Posted - 08/15/2007 : 10:48:14 Update after 4th week using Cymilium: After the last scab came off last week, leaving pale-pink soft skin with no breaks, I resumed my routine of using Cymilium twice a day – in the early afternoon and again in the early evening, cleaning it off at bed time, for a total of about 8 hours per day. This brought back the deeper pink color. The pink area grows larger each evening, after the Cymilium has been on for several hours. By morning, without the Cymilium, the area shrinks and seems to grow a deeper pink. I also noticed, until today, it was taking several minutes for the stinging to set in, and the stinging lasted for several minutes. What Rocco said is very true: things seem to be moving more slowly now.
The past 2 days, I had more time at home to use the Cymilium, so I used it 3 times, for a total of 11 hours each day, and I plan to do the same today. There had been no breaks in the skin until last night. When I blotted off the Cymilium, I noticed 3 tiny red pinholes that appeared to be bleeding slightly. When I dabbed on HP they became white (indicating fizz). This morning when I put on the first application, the stinging started right away.
The top layer of skin appears “healed” except for those tiny spots and a dry texture that is developing over the area. It seems strange that it should be healing from the outside first, but I guess that makes sense since I'm treating it from the outside. |
Martha1 |
Posted - 08/08/2007 : 17:44:59 Rocco,
Based on your experience, I wonder if I should be treating a somewhat larger area, just in case I'm missing something.
<<< ... a secondary tumor popped up near the original one just beyond the area I was treating. >>>
Before I started topical treatment, I think there were 3 small spots where the skin would occasionally break and bleed - one major and two minor ones - but all were within the somewhat triangular area that became red and is now light pink. I have resumed using Cymilium, as of this afternoon, and I'm covering that whole area.
Martha |
Mark |
Posted - 08/08/2007 : 15:49:59 You guys have talked me into trying Cymillium. I just havn't had much luck over the last few weeks trying pretty much everything else on this site. I think the real problem is I can't get anything to penetrate deep enough to cause damage to anything other than the very top layer of skin (even using DMSO). As of today, i feel like im back at square one. Its maybe a tad bit bigger, but definately no better. Yes this is frustrating, as it looked a lot better for a while. Then all the sudden its right back to where it was. We'll see how the Cymillium works for me. |
rocco |
Posted - 08/08/2007 : 11:21:49 Martha, That is indeed sounding good! I am always elated to hear of progress being made. There is a way, there is a way, there is a way.....
<<<At first, a large area pink/red area formed around the lesion, but it eventually became smaller, with a better defined shape, and very red>>>
That is pretty much as it happened with me as well. It seemed to take whatever inflamation there was around the tumor and make it worse for about 2 weeks. Then, as you saw as well, the surrounding redness and inflamation went away leaving a very well defined tumor. The first one I treated was very irregular in shape...kind of resembled a sideways sno-cone...pointed on one end and rounded on the other.
When I reached the point you are now at things seemed to move a little more slowly for awhile. Great progress, and then much patience and sometimes frustration with lack of new progress.
One other issue I had was that a secondary tumor popped up near the original one just beyond the area I was treating. So, I got after it hard and heavy and it seems to be well under control using the same routine that was being used on the original spot.
Overall I am very pleased with cymilium as a big part of my self-treatment topical regime. I think the combo therapies are working very effectively. On weekends now I am only using a light SunSpotES application a couple of times a day and that is all. During the week I use cymilium and my "home brew". I am getting close...maybe another 3 weeks to a month (fingers crossed) from not having to be treating anything....
Martha1 |
Posted - 08/08/2007 : 08:36:04 It has been 3 weeks since I started using Cymilium for the suspicious lesion on my nose, and I want to post an update.
At first, a large area pink/red area formed around the lesion, but it eventually became smaller, with a better defined shape, and very red. I had settled into a routine of applying Cymilium twice a day, in the early afternoon and again in early evening. (I didn't clean it off in between unless it was bleeding.) After the Cymilium was on for several hours, the pink area expanded and sometimes the lesion bled slightly in the center. I cleaned it off before bed, and it became smaller and less noticeable by morning.
Last Thursday night, I wasn't going out in the morning, so I left the Cymilium on when I went to bed, and by the time I awoke in the wee hours Friday morning, it was bleeding slightly. I cleaned it, and a scab formed over the lesion. This scab was different, because it was flush with the surrounding skin (not raised) and it stuck quite firmly to the skin underneath. Several times before, since starting Cymilium, scabs and surrounding skin had peeled off at the slightest touch of a Q-tip soaked in HP. (I remembered Dan said something about cancerous skin being weaker.)
After that, I didn't use any more Cymilium for 5 days (last Friday thru Tuesday), to give it a chance to heal and to check the progress. The scab started to dry and peel up around the edges, but stuck firmly. I applied castor oil at night, hoping that if I kept it soft it would not peel off too soon and also to help the skin underneath to heal. Yesterday morning, part of the scab finally peeled off, and the rest came off this morning in the shower. The skin underneath was very pale pink, in the shape of the original lesion, but with no sign of broken skin.
I'm thrilled, but I'm going to resume using Cymilium and continue until at least 7 days after the lesion has disappeared, per the Cymilium website's instructions, because I don't want it to come back. My appt with the derm is still 6 weeks away, so it may be completely gone by then.
Thanks to God, to Dan, and to all of you for your input. |
rocco |
Posted - 07/27/2007 : 17:21:12 <<<From your experience, if I start using the Cymilium again over the scab, will it remove the scab too soon?>>>
I really can't give a good answer. The spot I treated with cymilium was a raised pearly BCC. It never scabbed over totally, it just diminished through time. From time to time I did treat it more agressively as I stated in an earlier post. I would use cymilium 3X daily, scrub with baking soda and apply a secondary topical...and during these times it would scab up just a bit, but never to the point of bleeding. But I don't recall the cymilium making the scab fall off too soon.
I do take the cymilium off before bed though. Basically I put on a thick coat of the stuff, leave it on for maybe a half hour to an hour, and then wipe off the excess and rub in just a bit of what remains.
<<<Also, when you continue using it after the spot is visibly gone, does the Cymilium change the appearance of your skin at all?>>>
I don't see any appearance change. The cymilium site mentions that it can be reapplied as often as needed with no side effects...at least regarding bug bite application. And on lesser affected skin it certainly has less reaction (sting, etc) than it does over a lesion. I have put it on several bug bites and it usually has only a minimal sting.
Martha1 |
Posted - 07/27/2007 : 13:51:16 Rocco,
I am currently taking a day off from the Cymilium, and the red area around the lesion has shrunk back, leaving just a scab about the size and shape the lesion was when I started. From your experience, if I start using the Cymilium again over the scab, will it remove the scab too soon?
Also, when you continue using it after the spot is visibly gone, does the Cymilium change the appearance of your skin at all?
Thanks for your advice. |
rocco |
Posted - 07/27/2007 : 09:29:42 <<<Both you and Rocco have suggested to me that I stop the Cymilium for a couple of days, and I may decide to do that. On the other hand, I want to make sure it heals completely this time and doesn't return. I suppose that's why the Cymilium website says that those using it for skin cancer should continue using it for 7 days after disappearance of the lesion. >>>
Martha, As mentioned before, I believe it is good to take a day off now and then and let things heal a bit to get a better gauge of progress. Cymilium, like DMSO, penetrates skin "to the deepest levels" so taking a day off and letting things heal will not prevent the cream from doing its job when you put it back to use.
Also, even though the cymilium site recommends a week or so of use after the lesion is gone....personally, I plan on using it a month or more after it is completely gone...I want to make sure I get it all. And, as an update, the first spot I treated with cymlium is visibly gone....but I am still treating it and will continue for at least a couple of more weeks. The cymilium site says it can take anywhere from 2 to 22 weeks to cure a lesion per reports to them of treatments. I am now at week 20. Patience is a virtue, I guess.
One final thing, I really do think it made a difference, in my case anyway, to treat the spots with more than one topical.
sammy |
Posted - 07/27/2007 : 07:57:30 Martha, I meant in what you had and the different treatments you tried. |
Martha1 |
Posted - 07/26/2007 : 19:14:04 Sammy,
That's interesting. When you say your situation is similar to mine, you mean in the progress of the lesion, not in the kind of treatments, right? I'm glad to hear yours seems to be healing now.
After posting my experience last night, I put on more Cymilium and went to bed. When I woke up, the glob of Cymilium was mixed with a blood clot that formed overnight. When I tried to clean it off, some skin from the center of the lesion came off with it, leaving a raw area. I considered that to be progress, because it reminds me of how my first lesion looked when it started bleeding and I stopped using the baking soda. After that, it formed a scab and started healing. I plan now to use the Cymilium no more than 2X per day.
Both you and Rocco have suggested to me that I stop the Cymilium for a couple of days, and I may decide to do that. On the other hand, I want to make sure it heals completely this time and doesn't return. I suppose that's why the Cymilium website says that those using it for skin cancer should continue using it for 7 days after disappearance of the lesion.
Again, I'm very thankful to you, Dan, and Rocco for your support. |
sammy |
Posted - 07/26/2007 : 17:59:30 Dear Martha, (and I apologize for referring to you as Mary in my last thread) your situation is just so similar to mine. I also used PDQ last year. That incident is also in my last entry. I used the Hydrogen Peroxide for 2 weeks. The scab finally came off. The last time I applied was last evening. Just some sizzle. No stinging, burning or bleeding. Just a bit of clear serum coming out of the middle. So I am hoping that the healing cycle has begun. The edges are very dry amd itchy so I started applying A&D Ointment. I am hoping that the "pit' will fill in.
I wish I could help you with the procedure you are using, but I have no experience with it. I can suggest that maybe you give it a break for a day of 2 then start up again. Sometimes it helps to give the skin a break. I stopped my HP for 3 days when I was at a stalemate. Then saw an improvement when I started again. You still have plenty of time before your appt.
Please keep us informed of your progress. |