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1 Posts |
Posted - 02/13/2007 : 00:18:22
I have used P.D.Q herbal for a fairly large Basal Cell Carcinoma on my nose, PDQ is a thick oily like substance that has to be applied once in the eve and once in the morning, the leison will turn white over the next few days before turning into thick scab that will gradually flaking off over next week or 2, PDQ worked well on a few small satellite leisons. Unfortunately the large leison was so thick it could not get to the root, it would scab and then slowly grow back, I will try Pancreatin method and post the results |
1 Posts |
Posted - 03/19/2007 : 22:02:19
Thanks so much for the helpful info on this website. It helped me start looking in the right direction. I found a nano technology product made of all natural ingredients that works by softening the hard cell walls of unhealthy skin (both cancerous and pre-cancerous), thus inabling the body's own immune system to attack and destroy. It does not harm healthy skin in any way. It took only 10 days to get rid of the pre-cancerous condition on my face. I have since used it to get rid of several moles and other suspicious spots... all without leaving any scars. PDQ really is the most amazing product I've ever used. I ordered mine through Life Line LLC Thanks again for a very informative website. |
77 Posts |
Posted - 05/03/2007 : 21:38:17
OK, here is my preliminary assessment of PDQ Herbal as a topical treatment option. I started theses test applications on April 3rd.
Spot 1 - a test spot on the back of my hand, no redness or concerns for the area before application. Result - no reaction of any kind noted.
Spot 2 - a regular looking mole on my right arm. No reaction of any kind noted.
Spot 3, 4 and 5 - AK's on my face. Two were very near my left ear and one beneath my right eye. Very definite and quick reaction. By the end of the first day there was a red blistered looking area developing. Reapplied the second day, per instructions. A red scab developed over the next few days and within about another week the scabs came off. Results after one month - very good, no indication of reappearance of the AK's. Redness is just about totally gone from all three areas.
Spot 6 - an area on the left side of my nose about where it flattens into the cheek area. This area I would consider a developing precancerous area. I had only noticed its presence for maybe a month or so. Applied PDQ and got a very rapid reaction not only to the red area but also in two smaller areas just slightly lower towards the bottom of my nose. There was a small amount of pain associated with this spot, kind of like a big scrape that hurts when you stretch the area and the scab cracks. The area formed a pretty big scab and took a little over a week to come off. When the scab was off it revealed a pitted area under the main spot and two smaller ones in the other areas that reacted. I retreated the areas (per instructions) and again got a reaction, though much less this time, over the main area, and virtually no reaction on the other two spots. This scab came off quicker than before and I must say the area looks pretty good now. The redness is diminishing and the pits are healing.
Spot 7 - This area was about an inch from my right ear towards the cheek. It was biopsied and was a BCC. I had Moh's surgery on the area at the beginning of January this year. However, when I got home after the surgery I was fairly convinced that the doctor only removed new tissue lower on my cheek than where the original cancer was, in other words he only got a portion of the original biopsied spot with his cutting. I went in for my last recheck with him and I was already concerned of a redevelopment as the area above his scar was indeed becoming red and itchy again. He commented that we needed to watch it.....I wanted no part of this.
Anyway, I got home and applied PDQ to the area and got the reaction as described above. I reapplied a second time and got less reaction. After about a month, the spot looks absolultely great. It worked wonderfully.
I think that PDQ is a definite "must try" product for the alternative treatment crowd. It may not work in all cases, but it definitely seems to work. |
77 Posts |
Posted - 05/08/2007 : 12:05:18
I want to add a follow up to my previous post on PDQ.
I found a thread on another site yesterday regarding PDQ. Apparently at least one person has had a bad experisence with using PDQ on a lesion located on the nose. While the experience I had did indicate that a pitting, perhaps indicating the ridding of anomalous skin cells, can or would be caused by use of the product, what I saw is tolerable. However, in at least this one reported incident a major crater was reported to have occurred with use of the product. It required the person to follow up with some surgery for repair of the damage.
So, I would like to add that caution should be exercised in using any topical, especially on the face. We all do it at our own risk. I thik PDQ is an option to consider, and it seems to work alright. But, it may have its risk as well. Talk to the makers of PDQ before using. |
103 Posts |
Posted - 05/08/2007 : 16:04:13
I have never used PDQ but it sounds like to me it could be called bloodroot-light??Am I close??....
I feel for any one having to treat their face,its can be really hard experience.... |
77 Posts |
Posted - 05/10/2007 : 09:11:52
quote: Originally posted by fforest
I have never used PDQ but it sounds like to me it could be called bloodroot-light??Am I close??....
I feel for any one having to treat their face,its can be really hard experience....
LOL, I have never used bloodroot products so I don't really know how they compare. But just reading the descriptions from those that have used it, I don't think it compares - at least on the pain end of the spectrum.
I did call PDQ's 800 number before I ordered it for myself. I talked at some length with Skip, the purported owner of the company. He indicated that PDQ does NOT contain bloodroot. He wasn't willing to divulge the ingredients since the actual formula is not patented, only the process for making it is.
As far as the face treatment, yeah, it is tough. You definitely have to be cautious. I am pleased, so far, with results I have seen from using Cymilium, SunSpot ES and PDQ. All seem to do at least some good with minimal discomfort. PDQ definitely left the most post-usage indication, i.e. redness, pitting and possibly scarring. |
668 Posts |
Posted - 05/13/2007 : 12:23:54
I checked into PDQ @ 1 1/2 years ago . I believe it is bloodroot light. The guy I spoke to there would not deny nor confirm there was no bloodroot in it, only that it was not a diluted version of it.
The way it reacts is almost to the t what a diluted version of bloodroot will do. |
2 Posts |
Posted - 05/17/2007 : 22:16:06
I have used both PDQ and Curaderm. I have VERY fair, sensitive, dry skin. I used PDQ first on 5 BCC spots on my face. I DO NOT recommend treating that many at once if you have sensitive skin. It was extremely painful, not to mention my entire face swelled up! The PDQ cleared all but 2 of the BCC's with one treatment, two applications, 24 hours apart. At the same time I used PDQ on a BCC on my left arm and applied once every 3 days. The BCC was a little more than 1/4 in in diameter. During the PDQ treatment, the scab became about 1 1/2 inch in diameter. The scab came off after about a month and there is a tiny white scar there about the size of a match head, but the BCC appears to be gone.
I am now using Curaderm on the 2 BCC's on my forehead that the PDQ did not clear. One is gone and as of this morning I have stopped treating it. The other is progressing, but will require a few more days to weeks of Curaderm. There was some slight swelling from the Curaderm initially, but not anything like the PDQ. The stinging/burning sensation from the Curaderm is sometimes more strong, but doesn't last as long as PDQ. PDQ gives me pain for at least a week. I have found Motrin IB helps with the pain.
I have had several BCC's surgically removed in the past, which of course left scars. So these topical treatments are my choice. Anyway I go, it involves pain, not to mention the stitches from surgery became infected, even though I kept the areas clean. At least with PDQ and Curaderm, there are no stitches, no infections, very little to no scarring, and certainly cost less.
I am also currently treating 2 BCC's on my right arm and 1 on my right hand. Again, lots of swelling and pain. They have festered and the one on my hand is now draining, so the swelling and pain have gone down considerably. I started treatment to these areas a week ago. PDQ takes at least 2 weeks before the scabs come off. I generally have to retreat the areas, as one application does not seem to clear it completely.
I just ordered some SunSpot ES to try on a couple areas on my face and ear. I had not heard about this product until coming across this forum.
Forums like these are great. It is great to be able to share our experiences and learn about more choices that dr's will never tell us about.
I will continue to use and recommend both PDQ and Curaderm. The PDQ is great that it can help determine if an area should be treated. Curaderm can only be applied to areas that we are sure need to be treated.
Thanks for allowing me to post here and will keep reading to learn more about alternative treatments. |
4 Posts |
Posted - 06/24/2007 : 23:26:19
I've used PDQ on several spots. Two seemed to work as Skip said it should. however on three others, I reapplied for over 9 weeks and the spot kept reacting. It never did stop reacting. When I talked with Skip the response was less than helpful. |
77 Posts |
Posted - 07/19/2007 : 14:09:14
A further follow up to my post of 5/3/07:
Regarding spot 6: the redness never diminished much more and I was wary of using the PDQ again since the area next to my nose seems more sensitive in general, and more likely to scar. The area did seem to be healing for awhile, then back-slid to being a suspect BCC.
So, the PDQ was not totally effective on this spot. I have since been treating this spot with other topicals and it is improving.
Regarding the 3 AK's that seemed to be well treated with PDQ....they too have recurred (at least 2 of the 3...the third may be a new one altogether). I am treating those now with SunSPot ES since it seems to have knocked out some other AK's I have applied it to.
So overall my impression of PDQ has taken a hit. From reading all the posts here regarding bloodroot and from my experiences with PDQ I am inclined to once again draw the conclusion that these speedy topical remedies inflict more pain, cause more scarring, but are no more effective, and possibly less so, than other methods that are being used by the posters on this message board. Less scarring and less pain with methods that may take a little time but get the job done seems to be the way to go. My opinion as of this day. |
55 Posts |
Posted - 08/07/2007 : 02:23:57
PDQ - Ooops! I may have done a big mistake.... It's 2 am and my face is burning like hell. I have been using the very gentle Black Drawing Salve (it's without bloodroot or zinc) from Dr. Christopher for the past 6 weeks or so. The results are good but not definitive. But at least it is very gentle. I wanted to speed things up so I treated 5 spots on my face with PDQ around 8 pm. It is now red, swollen, burning, with a spot of white bubbly skin. It simply looks like I have burned myself with something corrosive. I realise all this could be good news - but then maybe not. The product does not seem to be targetting only cancer cells but everywhere where I applied the PDQ without any distinction.The really weird part is that I have used it before and never had this reaction. It tingled a little bit, made a superficial scab and left a cleaner and clearer skin.
But right now I don't feel this product is really safe. We don't even know what's in this product (patent pending proprietary formula the owner says - it could be anything), how it is manufactured and how stable it is. I used it because it had been rather innocuous before while bringing my skin problems in the right direction. I suspect the bottle had left a more liquid less concentrated part on top of it the first time I used it and this time it reached a lower part in the bottle - thicker and greasier and heavier and much more active. I would have never re-used it if I had had this kind of reaction the first time. I look like a patient in burn unit. I do not know what to do at this point and cannot sleep at all. It is too painful. I hope it decreases by tomorrow and that I will not end up with holes in my face. This is not fun.
Then again - I may leave another message here in 10 days to praise the product. But for now, I would recommaend being very cautious. Shake the little bottle very well and try it on your not-face-skin in small amount first. I know some people have had good results but it really takes some kind of blind fate to put stuff on your face without having any idea of what it is made of. All the ownrer says is that it is entirely vegetal and has no bloodroot. What plants is being used? Which parts? Who makes it? Who invented it? Is the owner telling the truth? Does he really know himself what is in it? Is he just repeating what was told to him? It's somewhat mysterious and I do not like that. I really wish the owner/marketer of this product would be more transparent. Vinegar, baking soda, eggplant, broccoli, bloodroot, orange oil, etc. are all products we know. Sunspot has an ingredient list as well. We may or may not choose to use some of these products but at least we know what they are.
OK I'll stop rambling. I will follow up on this for sure. I am not throwing the bottle away yet but I will not keep it in forefront of my pharmacy.
This whole skin cancer thing is just not easy - we are all guinea pigs as it has been mentioned oftentimes in those pages. Let's just hope we end up getting better and not worse from all the trials and errors.
Update the following morning at 9:30 Last night I finally washed my face with a very gentle soap and used Aloe to soothe the pain. It worked well enough to allow me to fall asleep. This morning my face is burning mostly on the left side and it is bright red/purple as if I had burned myself with boiling water. The cancer spots do not look different than the surrounding skin. On the right side, the skin is almost OK except for the cancer spot which are very red and active. Why is that? Why the difference? The only explanation I can find is that I used the upper part of the bottle (more liquid - less strong) on the right side and the thicker part (more densed - stronger) on the left side. My conclusion: this product should be manufactured more carefully and it should be much more documented as far as how to use it, precautions as well as providing an ingredient list. That's minimal - what if it contains peanut oil for example and one is allergic to peanuts? As I said before- I may change my mind but right now I do not believe I will use this PDQ ever again.
Update August 11th - the redness has disappeared. The scabs are mostly gone. It looks OK enough to show myself publicly but the skin parts where I need to see some changes have NOT changed at all. It is disappointing. The fact that blistering happened where there is no problem is not good. Skip (the owner) would probably say that it is because the cancer has expanded to these areas. I hope he's wrong and I actually don't believe that's the case. It looks like the blistering happened where I added more PDQ herbals. It actually blistered *everywhere * I put it on. Does that mean I have cancer *everywhere* on my face? That does not make much sense really. Rather than try these harsh abarasive and corrosive way of dealing quickly with the problem, I believe it is better to take more time, change diet and lifestyle, and do softer approaches like the Broccoli or eggplant or soft herbal ointments. I probably will leave another update when the effect of the PDQ is completed.
Meanwhile I just learned that a good friend of mine is dying of a brain tumor. There are people with mush worse problems than us - at least than me.
August 19th 2007 - Last update on this post OK Everything is back to normal. The superficial scabs are all gone and my skin is just the way it was. That's essentially the problem: it is back like it was. The most serious lesion on my face is no different than it was and the other smaller spots too. Conclusion: this product - whatever it is - has created a superfical burn on my skin and it has healed. The only good news is that it did not create a long term problem with scars etc. Has it helped in any way? Apparently not I'm sorry to say . |
Edited by - Mexico on 08/19/2007 15:56:17 |
611 Posts |
Posted - 08/11/2007 : 22:24:31
Mexico, thanks for the informative post. I completely agree that PDQ should list their ingredients. I am also very sorry to hear that your friend is dying. |
35 Posts |
Posted - 08/12/2007 : 12:39:51
Dear Mexico, I am so sorry about your experience with PDQ. I have had problems since I used last August. I used it on a scaly spot on my forehead. Bad reaction, scar and came back in 4 months worse than before.
I can understand your suspicion about the product. Here is a story I have that has made me very leery.
My 16 yr old neice was here when I was using the product. Poor thing woke up with her "monthly" zit. The girl did not have her contacts in and grabbed the PDQ by mistake instead of her zit stuff. She had a severe reaction and hurt like the dickens. When I found out that she had used the PDQ I had her wash off immediately and applied ice compresses. Thank God we got it in time before any damage was done.
How could this react so violently on a zit she gets every month before her period begins?????? Could this zit be skin cancer? I think not. I wish I would have kept the bottle of PDQ I had. I think I would have paid to have the ingredients analyzed by a lab.
Too many of us had had failures with this stuff. How Skip can lie so boldly on his website is just wrong. |
1 Posts |
Posted - 08/13/2007 : 11:39:08
Since I am a Naturopathic doctor, I cannot recommend any product without knowing the ingredients. I specifically asked Skip (twice) for a list of ingredients of the PDQ formula. I also sent Skip the above link from Mexico posted 8/7/07 with details of a bad reaction. His answers are as follows:
"P.D.Q.! is "mechanical" not chemical. It is simply a skin softener - the individual's own body's immune system does the work IF there are bad cells in the skin. Thousands and thousands have been helped. It is too bad that we work under a system that will not allow us to tell the whole story, but that's the way it is. By the way, just like Coca-Cola, there is NO WAY to reproduce this product. The problem that some of these people seem to have is two-fold, but if they would JUST CALL ME - I have NEvER had calls from these people - I keep an open line for anyone that has any questions or concerns. Problem 1: these people are amazed that the problem is bigger than they would have ever thought! Problem 2: They in some cases never re-applied as instructed, and they are dissapointed that some lesions require more than one treatment - sometimes as many as 4 to 8 re-applications if the lesion is big, old or deep. So, our product is a simple herb, but the way the product works is NOT CHEMICAL - it is mechanical - it simply softens the cells, both good and bad. P.D.Q.! must TOUCH each bad cell, if the lesion is in layers sometimes you must re-apply to get the lesion off a layer-at-a-time. Here's the deal - this is a Christian product - we believe that God gave it to us that we can demonstrate His love for His people. If this is offensive to some, we understand, but we completely give Him the credit for this product. We have had more than 10,000 people helped, with NO failures reported to us - ever! Not even Coca-cola pleases everybody! P.D.Q.! is an amazing product, it is safe, and it works. There is nothing more to say. We have only been asked to refund two people over the last 3 1/2 years - and both of them failed to re-apply as directed. When both were contacted, they were re-instructed to re-apply P.D.Q.! which they did with satisfactory results."
As a ND, I would seriously caution against using a product that will not disclose the list of ingredients. Anything you put on the skin can be absorbed into the body. I believe this company is asking a lot of customers. We are supposed to trust them and use their product by faith but they do not trust customers enough to disclose ingredients.
I encourage any of you who have had bad reactions to contact Skip and at least request your money back according to their satisfaction quarantee policy. If enough people complain, maybe policies will also change.
35 Posts |
Posted - 08/13/2007 : 16:01:07
Thank you and bravo. I agree. To keep applying a product you know nothing about is dangerous. |
Edited by - sammy on 08/13/2007 18:55:21 |
55 Posts |
Posted - 08/19/2007 : 16:07:57
About lbkherbs message - I do not think Faith Healing belongs in a bottle. I find this type of elliptical thinking rather dangerous. God is always Right. This product is from God. Therefore people who are not getting the results are wrong. There is just no room for discussion.
If, like he mentions, it is impossible to reproduce this product, why not reveal the ingredients? This is very strange behavior and for now I will certainly not pursue the use of this product. Until we learn more I will keep looking at other options. |
1 Posts |
Posted - 10/25/2007 : 14:25:52
I used PDQ for a sBCC and it did not work. I applied many times and called and talked to Skip and I tried what he suggested (warm compresses before applying and DMSO after applying). It has been almost 3 months and I still have this problem. I asked for a refund (twice) and I am getting the runaround. Skip says it is not working because I don't "Believe". He states that PDQ always works, what a crock! It sounds like it hasn't worked for many. I am wondering if Skip will ever refund anyone? He has unconditional Guarantee, but that is BS. It is only for sales and not to be honored. He doesn't understand what Unconditional means. I am glad for those that got some results. Beware of PDQ, it's not a 100% results treatment as stated by Skip! |
668 Posts |
Posted - 10/26/2007 : 20:43:29
Proof of the pudding is in Scotts statement that he has only had 2 complaints and they reapplied and were "healed"
It's a big world out there and we have 2 people right in this thread who were not "healed" and let Scott know it.
I would venture to bet there are 100's of "unhealed" PDQ users. Being as God told him the secret but swore him to secrecy so he could have a monopoly on the "secret recipe" says a lot about his moral character. His blatant attempts to justify himself are equally telling.
Just because of the way he has treated the few people who posted here I would say stay away from Mr. PDQ and his God given secret potion.
Kind of a jerk IMO |
Edited by - anivoc on 10/26/2007 20:44:08 |
2 Posts |
Posted - 05/29/2008 : 21:07:37
I am a user of PDQ and beginning to think I have made a mistake. The name in Latin "Prae Ferre Dominus Quae" shortened to PDQ by Skip translates to English as Prae - Before; Ferre - To Bear; Dominus - Master or Lord; and Quae - Which. When searching for "God is Great" in Latin I got simply "Deus este Valde". This, along with his great reluctance to disclose the herb involved, raises a few questions. |
1 Posts |
Posted - 08/28/2009 : 13:55:10
Any success stories with PDQ? And after these lotions, do we go back and ask for another biopsy? |
6 Posts |
Posted - 02/18/2010 : 18:45:05
What reaction does Cymilium have when you put it on, does it burn, etc.... If you don't have skin cancer will it still react. I would appreciate anyone who has used it with their answer, Thank you. |
611 Posts |
Posted - 02/18/2010 : 22:34:43
Hi health, if you want to know what Cymilium feels like, it will be the same as applying household ammonia. There may be a sting for a few seconds but that is it. If you don't have skin cancer or broken skin there should be no reaction. Cymilium is meant for insect bite relief and it is unbelievably effective at that also. |
6 Posts |
Posted - 02/19/2010 : 20:44:08
Dan, Thanks for answering me back, I'm sure glad someone did, can you please tell me, if it is skin cancer what reaction will Cymilium have on the area, does it turn the area red, does it scab up, what happens, hope you can answer my questions, I very much appreciate your time. Thank you |
611 Posts |
Posted - 02/19/2010 : 22:37:41
Hi health, the pancreatin in Cymilium can react strongly with skin cancer after a single application, resulting in redness, swelling, and itching. I mostly noticed swelling in the vicinity, but it was not severe. It generally takes about five days to become convinced that the treatment is working and things are getting better instead of worse. At that point the lesion starts getting progressively smaller, although not really scabbing, more like dissolving. If Cymilium does work, and for some people it does not work, it is a fairly ideal treatment. |
6 Posts |
Posted - 03/03/2010 : 07:47:06
As far as the Perrin's Blend goes, I used it for 5 days, and it burned my face terribly, I used it according to instructions and was very disappointed with it. First of all the color is for the birds, it's like a burgundy red color, and it looks like blood, and not only that, it's thick when you put it on, it leaks from the bandage this red blood color, where can you go with a product that looks like that? I emailed them around a week ago about the Perrin's Blend burning my face, and they never got back to me. |
64 Posts |
Posted - 03/03/2010 : 10:46:50
The Perrin's Blend burned my face too, but my bcc had spots of open skin, so anything I use on it burns for at least a few minutes. The PB was one product that continued to burn for several hours, and I had trouble applying it because of it's thickness. The application process would tear the skin, but as soon as it warmed from being on my face it began to slide off. It left a red stain that took several days to disappear, even after I gave up on using it. The PB seller does warn about staining, and it does.
All of those ill affects of using it would have been worth it to me IF it had worked. I used it for two weeks without positive results.
quote: Originally posted by health
As far as the Perrin's Blend goes, I used it for 5 days, and it burned my face terribly, I used it according to instructions and was very disappointed with it. First of all the color is for the birds, it's like a burgundy red color, and it looks like blood, and not only that, it's thick when you put it on, it leaks from the bandage this red blood color, where can you go with a product that looks like that? I emailed them around a week ago about the Perrin's Blend burning my face, and they never got back to me.
Edited by - Grace2Go on 03/03/2010 10:49:18 |
668 Posts |
Posted - 03/06/2010 : 10:38:24
I've mentioned elsewhere on this board but just to add to the thumbs down with Perrins blend. Spent the money, gave it a try for weeks .. what a mess and nothing.
The main ingredient is grapeseed extract thus the red color. Grapeseed oil was the first thing I ever tried for my skin cancers. ( to no avaial) Grapeseeds have super anti-oxidants called OPC's oligomeric proanthocyanidin
They are a super free radical fighter. The Perrins blend cream is messy but it just had at best minimal effect on my AK's and BCC's other than slightly irritating them.
Since it does have some good vitamins in it, rather than toss it away I mixed 1 part PB to about 3 parts Trader Joes skin lotion and use it in the morning just to nourish my skin. It becomes a light pink cream and is unnoticeable. |
1 Posts |
Posted - 05/03/2010 : 11:25:41
Can anybody please help me to Skip's telephone number or email. My brother used PDQ successfully and need some again but lost Skip's detail. I would be pleased if you can call me or email me the detail at Thank you.
Rudy 704-280-7887 |
2 Posts |
Posted - 04/08/2011 : 05:05:00
I've used the PDQ a few times for several years. I think it's miraculous! I had a thing on my nose which wouldn't stop bleeding for like ever. I ordered the PDQ but also went to a dermatologist. Gave him a hundred bucks to tell me it was cancer. He didn't seem interested in giving me a once over to check places I couldn't ... anyway PDQ made it dry up. I had another thing on my face; like a reservoir of fluid in my cheek. Nothing was visible but I could feel it. I put some PDQ over the area and it turned into a welt which turned to a big scab which drained. What I've noticed is that the areas it reacts on turn into like a burn which rapidly scabs and heals in less than half the time a real burn lasts. It also removes those liver spot things but not always. My latest thing is a wart (I guess) which has been growing and resisting everything I throw at it. It just keeps getting bigger. It's on my nose! So, I guess: I'm a witch. PDQ didn't work on it in it's infancy but this time it's working it's magic! That big fat button sized lump is going down! It hurts; but ... GOOD! I want it gone! I'll keep you posted ...
It's eleven days later and I'm confident it's working. After the first pair of treatments: It looked like I had the bigger half of a peanut M&M sticking out of my nose. Frightening! The thing came off on the 3rd night. Fast, huh? I decided to treat the funny looking stub left behind after I decided it wasn't an open wound. Again: pain. This time I'm walking around with a dime sized scab area. It lasted longer; slowly flaked away. I'm now on my 3rd application. Just did the second treatment. This one doesn't hurt much.
I've tried treating this thing like a wart with the freezing stuff and apple cider vinegar. They sorta worked but made me bleed. Problem is; I guess: it's not a wart. It's either a basal cell or squamous cell carcinoma judging by the pictures I've seen. The pdq is taking the damn thing out. I'll let you know when it's gone. Confidence is high! |
Edited by - marz on 04/19/2011 20:24:52 |
2 Posts |
Posted - 08/27/2011 : 23:45:29
quote: Originally posted by marz
I've used the PDQ a few times for several years. I think it's miraculous! I had a thing on my nose which wouldn't stop bleeding for like ever. I ordered the PDQ but also went to a dermatologist. Gave him a hundred bucks to tell me it was cancer. He didn't seem interested in giving me a once over to check places I couldn't ... anyway PDQ made it dry up. I had another thing on my face; like a reservoir of fluid in my cheek. Nothing was visible but I could feel it. I put some PDQ over the area and it turned into a welt which turned to a big scab which drained. What I've noticed is that the areas it reacts on turn into like a burn which rapidly scabs and heals in less than half the time a real burn lasts. It also removes those liver spot things but not always. My latest thing is a wart (I guess) which has been growing and resisting everything I throw at it. It just keeps getting bigger. It's on my nose! So, I guess: I'm a witch. PDQ didn't work on it in it's infancy but this time it's working it's magic! That big fat button sized lump is going down! It hurts; but ... GOOD! I want it gone! I'll keep you posted ...
It's eleven days later and I'm confident it's working. After the first pair of treatments: It looked like I had the bigger half of a peanut M&M sticking out of my nose. Frightening! The thing came off on the 3rd night. Fast, huh? I decided to treat the funny looking stub left behind after I decided it wasn't an open wound. Again: pain. This time I'm walking around with a dime sized scab area. It lasted longer; slowly flaked away. I'm now on my 3rd application. Just did the second treatment. This one doesn't hurt much.
I've tried treating this thing like a wart with the freezing stuff and apple cider vinegar. They sorta worked but made me bleed. Problem is; I guess: it's not a wart. It's either a basal cell or squamous cell carcinoma judging by the pictures I've seen. The pdq is taking the damn thing out. I'll let you know when it's gone. Confidence is high!
I had great success at first, then; foolishly ignored it and allowed it to grow back. It seems like a process which needs to be seen through to the end. I'm using an old PDQ vial and it may have lost it's potency a bit. I am about to order a fresh one. |
53 Posts |
Posted - 08/30/2011 : 21:47:25
PDQ is far too expensive in my opinion.... |
1 Posts |
Posted - 11/06/2011 : 14:59:39
Hello Everyone,
I had Squamous skin cancer removed from my face in '06. Dr. said he, "Got it!" He didn't & it went into my breast, brain, kidneys as a tumor.
The most important thing that you must do to make all remedies work, is to stop eating all sugar. The parasite feeds on it. Cancer is a Parasite. I have filmed with a 200X digital microscope what has come out of my face, my lymphs, my neck etc.
I used the Maple Syrup/Baking Soda torpedo to get to the tumors. I used pdq to pull it out of the skin. You would not believe how much came out, but it has been there growing, feeding on me for 5 years or more.
email me if you need pix: |
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