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Posted - 02/13/2007 :  00:35:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you for your website. It is full of wonderful, researched, and honest information. As with all medicine, everything is an experiment in action. We can be more honest with each other than we can expect doctors to be with us about our options for treatment and the results we can expect. In any case, I had a large basal cell removed at the edge of my eyebrow three years ago. It healed nicely, but imagine the ongoing headache I had for months having had surgery so close to my eye. The recovery was miserable. The scar, miraculously, wasn't too bad. Now, three years later, the basal cell is back. I went in right away when I discovered it, but a deep biopsy revealed that it is rather large. I am scheduled for surgery with a specialist next month, but wanted to do something in the meantime, rather than just watch it grow. I prayed heavily with an emphasis on being able to learn something that would enable me to be proactive regarding this and any future cancers, rather than to sit here feeling like part of the unlucky small percentage whose skin cancers return. I was immediately taken to your website. I read everything several times and have begun some dietary changes as well as supplementing. I'm also using the Cymilium. I've been using that about a week and the supplements and dietary changes a few days longer. It is possible that the lesion itself is a tiny bit smaller. I think it may be, but day to day observations are difficult to analyse, especially when one is anxious for "progress." I know that you mentioned something about "blemishes" around the lesion. I have several large blemishes that have developed along the sides of the lesion. They don't have heads like pimples, but look more like inflamed pimples without heads. They turned up about a day or two into the treatment and haven't changed. Also, I have never felt a burning sensation using the Cymilium. Does this mean it is not absorbing? I am having lymph swelling and pain and have come down with a minor cold. I do not normally have such excessive lymph pain associated with a common cold. It makes me believe something is happening. Any input you have would be great. Just doing something that may be helping has eased my mind a great deal. Knowing that others are involved in gaining information about practical and natural healing methods is also empowering and reassuring. God bless you today. Janaé
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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.